@pricelessjunk That’s my friends.
@pricelessjunk And after you draw the map, you could cover up the top and use it as a (fishy) bank for travelling.
The bliss of weighing the right amount of chemical on a weighing balance at the right drop from the spatula.
Today is not one of those days.
A bugs life- http://instagr.am/p/EFy92/
Instagram is shipping made easy.
@Fine_Whining Okay call maadi. Shall dispense hearing aids.
@Fine_Whining Why so distraught today?
@Fine_Whining And oh they have imagination too. Look at the variety of type! On one slide!
So work was sent home today, after work. Now reformatting presentations of people who designed such slides: yfrog.com/hsvd5mjj[+]
Glad no one’s in the kitchen right now seeing me talk to myself.
Yes, you’re normal too.
And @rungta launches his 200th photo with a clever intuitive re-design of his photoblog. Go notice it: prateekrungt…raha_farmers[+]
@lokallobaat dhanyavad :)
@lokallobaat Yes, it’s currently here. But we hope (eventually) it can spread out and if we can help with some resources we’d love to help.
@rungtaakki Thanks. Feels good (read: high). It had felt scary letting him know/offering him drinks at home when he visited me in the UK.
@xAbhishek Well this was his acceptance to have a drink at home. I did have my first drink with him (with his approval) after I turned 18.
Today, dad brought me my first drink home, even though it was just a Breezer. Nonetheless, a significant day.
@xAbhishek Likewise. It’s usually reserved even if it is.
A Sunday setback-
Of Mangoes and Munchkins: earthwormsre…d-munchkins/[+]
Revisiting powers made to move: youtube.com/…ture=related[+]
@lokallobaat No way! That just sounds ridiculous. At a wedding!? Insane.