July, 2010. It’s been a month of change. All around.
Don’t you hate it when you’re trying to find a word for weeks and it doesn’t present itself till the oddest moments. ‘Deliberate’ was mine.
Removing the Melbourne clock widget from the dashboard. It’s time for a new journey for my wandering friend.
Wish you a good one @rungta!
@rungtaakki which one did you opt for?
There’s something very therapeutic in watching black ink cursively flowing on paper.
@5anket Haha, nice coincidence! Good you know it now. :)
Can’t put it any better. RT @rungta Toy Story 3 was old school Pixar goodness delivered with their new school emotional expertise. Perfecto!
After years of procrastination of avoiding gruesome violence, I was finally rewarded with a brilliant screenplay, that was ‘The Fight Club’.
I need some ‘Tab Candy’ now. At least the three minutes of it to start with. http://vimeo.com/13560319
Now, back to ctrl+ (⇧+) ⇥ ‘ing.
Being at two places at the same time, although possible, is as difficult as it sounds.
@shikkha Ooh. I like too! Loving The Sixty One.
@5anket It’s down two roads for you! Sun/gloom is coming out again.
@5anket It just ruined my walk plans. Not complaining though.
@shikkha Ha ha! That, I would have never thought of. :P The more people tell you, the more you think twice. Just due it.
@shikkha Oh you impatient kid. You’ll get there. Soon. Once you make a move. If you get my drift. Which you do.
@rakeshrach Oh don’t we all wish for days like those. :)
“Of all the things you can lose your heart to, an idea is the most obstinate.”
From, @shikkha’s desk: betweenthebr…got-my-desk/[+]
@xAbhishek For me, anticipation had grown from the teasers & Hans Zimmers music. Strangely, didn’t watch the trailers till after the movie.
The one thing I didn’t like about Inception after watching the movie, was it’s trailer.
@shikkha Never fully seen a Matrix movie. Avatar, not worth your while. MI, neither have I. Inception could be the exception. #myconfessions
@rungtaakki Haha… and who might that be?
Why is comfort food always bad for you?! Damn those cynical phrase-formers.
@rungta Congratulations to you too! :D
@xAbhishek Congratulations!
Exclusive calls are priceless.
@shikkha Don’t beat. I’ll come, possibly next week itself. Who knows, maybe permanently even. It’s complicated again.
To go or not to go home, so swings the pendulum.
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched this song, for all its colours. http://rahmanse.com/post/801167050/in-praise-of-colour
@xAbhishek Had to take heed and consent.
If Mark Webber doesn’t win the championship this season, I might just be gutted.
Having said that, I’m possibly going through some of the best musical weeks I’ve had in a long time.
If you aren’t following @ohnoir yet, you should probably know that you’ve been missing out on some excellent music & movie recommendations.
@rungtaakki Yup. Some of them are quite nice as well.
@ohnoir The entire ‘Lamhaa’ album is not bad, not bad at all.
@rungta Good to hear! Surprisingly, another two weeks to go before it releases here.
Haunting song of the night: ‘Yaara Maula’ from Gulaal, sung by Indian Ocean singers Rahul Ram and the late Asheem Chakravarty.
The “hilariously hilarious” <http://prateekrungta.com/bitsnpieces/top-gear > show is back and it’s cracking as ever!
@ohnoir So what are you talking about then? It sounds too good to wait for.