@rungta Okay, so now, when did you get an iPad!?
@rungta Yup.
New single to look forward to on 3rd- Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall by Coldplay: coldplay.com…l.php?id=722[+]
@erm_wat My turn to be proud of you! Which one?
@lokallobaat Saw posters (those long ones) at the theatre the other day though. Although I’d second the torrent.
@arunitc Sorry for this terribly late reply. Thanks for the link!
@pricelessjunk Ah! From what I remember he points to Christianity being more upheld in US than Europe, in that book. Memory might fail me.
@pricelessjunk Is this from The God Delusion?
@pricelessjunk Religion vs. science? In Europe over America?
@lokallobaat Oh hilarious stuff that. Looking forward to West is West playing in Indian theatres sometime this year. Or need to download it.
@rakeshrach Yes, @rungta had shared this one before. So hypnotising.
@rakeshrach You bet. I was honestly in my own world during the song. Everyone around were silhouettes and white noise.
@RaulPra How was your experience? How were the 3D screens?
@RaulPra I liked the balance b/w the songs & also didn’t mind that he didnt play all popular ones. Had wished for some instrumentals though.
@RaulPra There were some sound issues, but overall it sounded alright. Songs,that’s difficult to say since everyone will have their choices.
Correction: “@xAbhishek: @rashmiswamy Non-Instagram users cannot access Inkstagram.”
Sorry, you’ll need an account.
@xAbhishek I was just realising that. Since I was already signed in, overlooked that. My bad. :(
Non-Instagram users, want to see what I see every other day? inkstagram.c…47987/photos[+]
@lokallobaat Added some on Instagram for now.
@lokallobaat Oh wow. Okay. @souvikdg
The master at the piano- http://instagr.am/p/E5mGT/
@lokallobaat Will do. Others, keep note/send across: @rungta @rakeshrach
@lokallobaat Exactly! But I was overjoyed that he sang it. That’s the only song I had wished he’d sing before it started.
@lokallobaat Outrage indeed. I was looking around as if everyone was insane!? This is why sitting in VIP seats suck.
@lokallobaat Ah, yeah remember your tweets. I was actually looking forward to more Tamil numbers. But I think this was well balanced enough.
@lokallobaat Maybe a blog post soon. Sadly no autographs/videos, and wasn’t that close enough for good shots. yfrog.com/h8eitrdjj[+]
Couldn’t help think of you’ll when he played Jaa Re Ud Jaa Re. Can you believe I heard no one around me applaud after that number?
Also, thanks for the added influence @rungta and @rakeshrach. It’s been good recognising the right things.
He was his usual shy calm self, while the other singers and Remo Fernandez involved the crowds well.
Rahman said that this concert was tailored more for an Indian audience and not like the Jai Ho one. Thankful for that.
I’ve been the one of the luckiest people today. The concert was surreal. And am glad I didn’t get to watch it on 3D screens at the back.
@RaulPra I am. Right at front. :D
Any Banglorean who wants three last end tickets for the Rahman concert, we have it to hand over.
@erm_wat Yay! I still have my memory mojo. :-P
@erm_wat Yeah, have heard her name. Wasn’t she in Bavani’s school or from Bangalore right?
@wateva Who’s visiting you that you’re doing these touristy sightseeing in London?
Now popping pills and applying ointments to cure the leg, while we deal with third friend situation.
Situations when three is a crowd.
Then friend, whom I’m going to the concert with, calls saying she got passes for both of us. Now third friend is left out. What do you do?
So, had tickets for three, right at the end for today’s Rahman’s concert. Then of all days, the ankle has gotten sprained.
I Read Where I Am: ireadwhereiam.com/[+]
Essays about our daily consumption and reproduction of text.
Absolutely lovely colourful images of India: yindia.tumbl….com/archive[+]
(Via @start_mag)
@eclairsk3 Fellow sufferers. :P Though planning on visiting UK sometime next month hopefully.
@rakeshrach What a crash that was. Hope he’s fine. The details of the debris seen said it all.
@eclairsk3 No where yet. That’s why I’m restless. :(
@xAbhishek Curious, but you must have noticed the @vignelli twitter steam?
@xAbhishek If I had a rupee every time I thought that myself…
And, being a reader of your sentences, it can’t be that bad.
@xAbhishek That’s what takes time. True, those editing options help achieve that form, but shouldn’t stop one from holding back their voice.
My wings feel restless.
@xAbhishek Ah, but how do you know what you’re thinking till you write/type/speak. These give thinking a form that’s needed.
‘Radioactive’: Marie Curie’s Life Story Told in Cyanotype: theatlantic….type/239569/[+]
@cameronmoll Gone back to Twitter. Twitter just seems more workable with the flow of things than cramming options in one button.
@pricelessjunk That’s what the UID card hopes it can do. en.m.wikiped…ity_of_India[+]
@souvikdg I can accept such judgement. :)
@souvikdg Ah, forgot about that. Good thinking for giving us more points.
@souvikdg @pricelessjunk As the originator of this conversation, you need to have a Nirulas vs. Cornerhouse thing on Delhi vs. B’lore./cc +2
@souvikdg @lokallobaat @rungta If I come to Delhi, you guys can treat me. :) Also any Cornerhouse outlet has the same quality.So scores 1-0.
With every passing day at work, I realise how little people grow up as adults. #thesystem
@lokallobaat I’m already inclined to agree. Also craving it now. @rungta @souvikdg
I feel like Jeremy Clarkson today. I started the day saying what could possibly go wrong.
NEVER start a day like that.
@rungta @souvikdg @lokallobaat I’ll have to be the judge of that someday to confirm all these sayings.
@lokallobaat Oh you need to try Cornerhouse’s cake fudge then. That by far is the best simple dessert I’ve had.
Winter darkness, raining thunder, summer chirps of morning birds.
@lokallobaat Gosh! That must have been quite painful to have witnessed that. I’ve seen the after effects of two accidents today myself.
Images of Life at Earthworms HQ: http://earthwormsreloaded.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/images-of-life/
Ways are awesome, always: roadways, waterways, railways, subways, runways, walkways, stairways. Any way is a pathway someway.
@rungtaakki Cool! Yeah, weekend. Shall let you my dates soon.
@rungtaakki Mostly not. You could come down to London?
@rungtaakki Not back. Getting stuff back + holiday. Coming with my dad, tentatively end of June. /cc @wateva
@rungtaakki I can get you some when I come there next month. :)
@wateva @rungtaakki Haww! You’re the one who had denied it existing along with me. Akki was the one who’d seen it in school.And I was drunk.
@rungtaakki @wateva so these do exist “@lokallobaat: Two yolks in one egg!? How is that even possible? instagr.am/p/EXGDN/[+]” #oldconversation
@pricelessjunk Thanks!
@pricelessjunk Currently seeing if I can reap & find some practical application to what has been learnt which intersects with some interest.
@pricelessjunk As of now done studying. Did my undergrad in Biological Sciences hons. in genetics. MSc. in molecular genetics.
And guess what’s playing now? No points for guessing, it’s Jai Ho. Apt or what? Wonder if they’re doing the steps as well.
French neighbours and their friends have loud Punjabi songs playing,for which they’re singing the chorus for. Must be east meets west night.
@pricelessjunk Also, it’s DNA is only passed on maternally.
@VidushiS13 I came back to Bangalore end of last year. Where you? What you been upto?
@VidushiS13 Hey, long time! How you been? I’ve been good thanks!
@pricelessjunk Any positives of doing it in India?
Experienced my first true Vidaai tonight. Lump in the throat didn’t remain as a lump. What a night it’s been.
I still make a wish while passing under a bridge when a train is running overhead. #thechildwithin
@pricelessjunk Origin of Species, is not easily readable/understandable. I’d been suggested to read this instead: en.wikipedia…Like_a_Whale[+]
@Fine_Whining Finally for some use.
Also travel money savings, strongly depleting. :’(
If and when I wed, I’d want all my guests to wear their most comfortable shoes and simplest dress in their wardrobe. #weddingshoppingwoes
@Fine_Whining Had such a day too. {:{(
@pricelessjunk Tough one that. Have often wondered that myself. I think I’d vote for Speed of Sound with a soft corner for Fix You.
@sttweets Thanks for the tip!
Lazy web: Anyone know or can point out to some good DIY pinhole camera resources, it would be much appreciated.
@bellycentric Knew this was to come. Twitter was getting noisy with you guys bantering about food and places. Now you’ll made it official.
@Airtel_Presence You can be assured that I will.
@Airtel_Presence, your customer service appals me. But I doubt you can understand that.
See what happens when you lose auto focussing (or the lack of hand-eye coordination) at a wedding.
Cool, but not cool. yfrog.com/h7tjqewj[+]
Dear telephoto lens, when will you be be mine? :( #simplequestions #toughanswers
Mary and Max: Unusually compelling.
@Fine_Whining You’re the girl with the grey cloud following wherever you go.
Comfort food not delivered then?
@rungta @rungtaakki Ah yes, still alive at the new place. So far so good?
@lokallobaat Ah yes it does. Buying it solves that, or kind donations from a Mr.@rungta could help. :)
@lokallobaat Not sure if you an stitch photos using Lightroom. I use DoubleTake: echoone.com/doubletake/[+]
@purisubzi You should check these out: ohbeautifulbeer.com/[+]
Out for Jolad rotti + basundi. Perfect North Karnataka recipe for the Saturday afternoon siesta.
@lokallobaat Yeah, was introduced to it when @rungta had posted it on his webmarks. His latest one is also a good read: rashmiswamy….dinayakannur[+]
Now going through @purisubzi’s travelling pages: purisubzi.in/travels[+]
@rungta The vocals of the band are quite nice. Other likes so far have been Njan Aara and Ettam Pattu. Rest need a proper listening to.
Made my day! Loving this band. “@ohnoir: Song of the day: ‘Karukara’ by Avial, the fusion rock band from Kerela. avial.in/[+]”
Caged at work. Soaring winds. Thunder follows lightning. Sounds like a hurricane, out here in the fields. yfrog.com/gznc7trj[+]
Who’s jealous? yfrog.com/h0lydqyj[+]
What shall I create today?
@lokallobaat Taking liberties: twitter.com/…324238102528[+]
@lokallobaat I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned it on Twitter. :S Ouch! Yes, I’m insanely alive. :)
@rungta @rungtaakki Aila, what I’ve missed!
Perfect ending for the day. :)
Made it home in time. Now time for some coffee and finish a ~two decade long backlog of… Andaz Apna Apna.
It’s a downpour out there.
@pricelessjunk Yeah, her pet rabbits had given birth to 4 little ones. They’re hardly a finger long.
@pricelessjunk Looking for one?
@pricelessjunk That’s my friends.
@pricelessjunk And after you draw the map, you could cover up the top and use it as a (fishy) bank for travelling.
The bliss of weighing the right amount of chemical on a weighing balance at the right drop from the spatula.
Today is not one of those days.
A bugs life- http://instagr.am/p/EFy92/
Instagram is shipping made easy.
@Fine_Whining Okay call maadi. Shall dispense hearing aids.
@Fine_Whining Why so distraught today?
@Fine_Whining And oh they have imagination too. Look at the variety of type! On one slide!
So work was sent home today, after work. Now reformatting presentations of people who designed such slides: yfrog.com/hsvd5mjj[+]
Glad no one’s in the kitchen right now seeing me talk to myself.
Yes, you’re normal too.
And @rungta launches his 200th photo with a clever intuitive re-design of his photoblog. Go notice it: prateekrungt…raha_farmers[+]
@lokallobaat dhanyavad :)
@lokallobaat Yes, it’s currently here. But we hope (eventually) it can spread out and if we can help with some resources we’d love to help.
@rungtaakki Thanks. Feels good (read: high). It had felt scary letting him know/offering him drinks at home when he visited me in the UK.
@xAbhishek Well this was his acceptance to have a drink at home. I did have my first drink with him (with his approval) after I turned 18.
Today, dad brought me my first drink home, even though it was just a Breezer. Nonetheless, a significant day.
@xAbhishek Likewise. It’s usually reserved even if it is.
A Sunday setback-
Of Mangoes and Munchkins: earthwormsre…d-munchkins/[+]
Revisiting powers made to move: youtube.com/…ture=related[+]
@lokallobaat No way! That just sounds ridiculous. At a wedding!? Insane.
@Fine_Whining Fine! Have it your way. I was only trying to help.turns back
@Fine_Whining Hey, I can do that too! If there’s a demand, I’m in for implementing your hush hush big idea.
@miranjdesign Fools! :) Looks brilliant. Quite a neat looking behind, if I can say so. ;) Will you’ll send me one?
My long awaited Sabbath day arriveth on a state holiday. Oh sweet slumber.
@miranjdesign “@rakeshrach Steve said that about your creation?”
Same question.
Our understanding of the Universe: phdcomics.co…s.php?f=1430[+]
Under by @rungta http://flic.kr/p/9EMfFm[+]
The unexpected colours of today’s experiment. http://instagram.com/p/D2bg8/
Behind the screens: backofawebpage.com
@lokallobaat All this figuring-out-what-to-do with your life also doesn’t seem to provide enough time for movies. Sucks.
@lokallobaat What is your entrepreneurship calling? :)
@Fine_Whining It does and it’s pretty much the same way it was.
A day with the earthlings from Earthworms. 7 kids, 5 adults, one Sunday at the park. Memories revisited and made. http://instagr.am/p/DvFQj/