@owenhodda We asked users what they wanted in a website and they said “I want it to be like an iPhone app.”
@adriancb Oooh that’s a useful homepage for @foursquare. Good find.
@wordsfromwongy LOL. You’ll be my speech writer.
And why are election campaigns limited to election times? We never hear from candidates during the year and now we have to believe them?
@andrewlitvak sounds like they deserve your vote. Can’t say the same of candidates here.
@grahamrb haha that’s an improvement. But still, you only hear f these guys during election time and they all say the same thing…
Local election ads are all the same: Cheesy portrait and “Vote 1” in large, empty slogan about working for the community, and not much else.
@JZ Great work on Basecamp’s speed. But mobile use doesn’t have to imply “bandwidth starved” – I use it around the office all the time.
Remembering Steve: apple.com/[+]
If you could judge phones by looks (and concepts) alone, Microsoft’s Surface Phone would be a winner. (WinPhone?) theverge.com…indows-phone[+]
@deanfra Sweet, but is that feature enabled by default? Doesn’t work for me and I couldn’t find it in Settings either
@c0up Amen to that.
“Strategy by gut, tweaking by data.” — The story of redesigning microsoft.co…default.aspx[+]: rainypixels….crosoft-com/[+]
A retrospective on the late interaction designer, Arnaud Mercier: arnaud.area17.com/[+]
And that’s the fourth train too full to board. #peakhour
To anyone designing mobile web apps: take a good look at Basecamp on your phone. Insanely fast, lean and clear.
@deanfra it’s been working fine for me around Melbourne.
@grahamrb LTE’s draining it maybe?
@grahamrb NO! Maybe you should have lined up after all…
@trowdy That too, yes! So annoying.