The best interaction design requires the least interaction to get the job done. The simplest path to the answer is what people seek.
Funny how interaction design is hyped as this cool thing people would love to interact with. People only love interacting with other people.
@established1987 I said hi and you were like, eeeeh. Classic.
@trowdy @deanfra @helveticade LOL, basically any title that obscures real work and distances the hard yakka involved.
@deanfra hehe pretty much like that.
Regular feedback is good and all, but sometimes it’s like tasting the food while still being cooked — give it some time.
When designers get it wrong and people struggle through its use, you see that design isn’t about trends or style; design is about ethics.
Watching tourists and seniors struggle with Myki shows how broken it really is. The govt’s ignorance of the issues is basically corruption.
Getting back at @established1987 by revealing his birthday today. Enjoy it mate, and thanks @fefefeng for the tipoff :)
Resist the urge to over-optimise layouts for mobile or tablet – too much and you’ll risk disorientating users who often switch devices.
@macromates Love the new file browser in nightly builds. Much cleaner and simpler. Thanks!
The web’s openness means we’re not done designing until we’re done writing – ask if your design works even with screen readers for the blind
@helveticade TextMate 2’s certainly worth another look. I’ve found the defaults fine, but there’s a solid list of plugins under Preferences.
@deanfra Sublime is great but doesn’t provide a fully native Mac experience like TextMate does. Little things like keyboard bindings, icons.
TextMate 2’s nightly builds keep getting better. (Love the cleaner side bar.) Open sourcing it was a good thing after all.
@wordsfromwongy No different to English punctuation arguments you’d have with writers :)
Amen to @TrentWalton’s reminder about the web’s flexible foundations: trentwalton….foundations/[+]
@rungta Happy birthday! Wishing you @bellycentric worthy treats all day :)
@rashmiswamy So many colourful portraits. Another immediate follow.
@rungta Followed and added as contact. Thanks for sharing.