If a photograph doesn’t tell a (personal) story, I’m simply not interested. Same goes for any art form.
@andrewlitvak You sound like the (troll)face of Melbourne.
Melbourne, can you not rain in peak hour? Thanks.
@gary_hustwit Will Urbanized screen in Australia? Can’t wait!
Swiss parking: blog.wanken….king-garage/[+]
Glad I chose this to be the first read since my holiday: Mona Simpson’s heartfelt eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs 0.nytimes.co…bs.html?_r=5[+]
So the book confirms Jobs battling cancer right through from 2004. Note how these were also his most inventive years, with iPhone and iPad.
Sweet! cupcakeipsum.com[+]
@amandamli That’s a bargain! Thinking about it again.
@carlalindarte Would love to renovate Batman. Do you think we could put it on Diners? ;)
Not bad for an old warehouse (and you’ve got to love Japanese aesthetic in modern architecture): blog.wanken….n-warehouse/[+]
@grahamrb Wowzy that’s an upgrade all right.
@twitDaveO you know that monitor on your desk (courtesy of @andrewlitvak) is flippable as well right?
@grahamrb lol what have you done?!
@emlaurajackson Missing InDesign and you :( :(
Nice walk up Lysterfield Hill instagr.am/p/RIbgR/[+]
Totally in love with this Sesame Street video from 1984 answering “What is a computer?” youtube.com/…=kccWna71sqk[+] These kids got it.
@miranjdesign nice work guys. Looks great.
@andrewlitvak Likewise mate. Pity it was a quick one but next Friday!
@amandamli @twitDaveO @andrewlitvak @deanfra Aww thanks #reallynicefriends. Cheered me up after a crazy work day.