I’ll never understand people wearing skinny jeans at the gym.
@paulidownunder That’s no good. When will you come back to the Melb office? We need to catchup.
@PGHarrison What a match. Bring on the Ashes!
@playframework Great work, you guys. The new site looks gorgeous.
Generated by something called “Usablenet”: http://www.kungfugrippe.com/post/1442382764/yes-this-error-message-was-generated-and-served
I had forgotten how frustrating it can be to resolve UNIX package dependencies. Rudix saved my day: http://rudix.org/2009/packages-jkl.html
@rungta Great initiative by them. A must-do for my next visit.
@rungta To be at Mahabalipuram is one thing, but to cycle there? Awesome. Hope you took photos as well.
You have to see the new MacBook Air in person. Everything looks thick after trying the 11 inch in store.
@rashmiswamy Thanks! I feel the place needs a shakeup, and therein lies the opportunity. Let’s see.
@rungta @rashmiswamy Thanks, yeah big changes these past three years & hopefully even more at online.deloitte.com.au
Last day at IBM. Can’t believe it’s been three years.
@rungta 7 Days to another Continuum classic. Also can’t wait to hear that Dido track (a Rahman composition).
What does this even mean for 95% of the population? #marketingFAIL http://yfrog.com/1xpl5bj
@rashmiswamy I miss walking around there.
@rungta No better way to describe his music.
@sumitsharan iPhone 4.
For once, I’m enjoying @gruber’s baseball tweets. Angry Gruber going off at Texas is fun to follow.
@rashmiswamy Oh no! Was it the front or back?
Java haters: before you tweet, know that Twitter is powered mostly by Java. It’s more of a server-side runtime than a language these days.