@rakeshrach @oddysee Right. If design is decision, one shouldn’t start making decisions before understanding the problem/doing the research.
Nothing says I’m close to home quite like a jhaal muri hawker on the train.
@rashmiswamy Wise men @_RohitNag and me once said: Life is all about trying new things and repeating the good ones. @souvikdg
@metarefresh I hope one of them is Jonathan D’Mello’s funnel.hasge…g-the-medium[+]
The wonders of being human, take 1: rashmiswamy….-being-human[+]
Take 2: frankchimero…-of-awesome/[+]
@jackerhack Absolutely.
@shalynee Indeed.
From my visit to the Kumbh in 2007: prateekrungt…ad_night_sky[+]
@keeperofthekeys I find history (and especially mythology) works best when spiked. Winning combo!
@rashmiswamy Nice! Have a great weekend.
@mightyboosher Jiminy cricket, he flew the coop! And I’m deputizing the bald guy.
Related, have you seen Submarine?
@rashmiswamy Where to?
@jonathandmello Now we’re talking! Would love to hear you speak on this.
TIL that alt=” ” is better than alt=”” because the latter causes some screen readers to speak the filename instead. alistapart.c…/on-alt-text[+]
@rashmiswamy Woah woah. Did you get hold of any goodies? :P
Prague, 2012. (by @wildiris)
@rasagy @Kenneth @AninSaha Don’t limit it to films though. Include versions like Sanjay Patel’s ‘Divine Loophole’, TV, comics etc.
@GnrlMxms *MuchMuchFaster, no?
@gonsalves_r :)
But really we have @fchimero and @kickstarter to thank for The Shape of Design being online in glorious HTML.
@mightyboosher Just a week? Where and through which magical agent? We’ve been hunting for a month now!
@rasagy Excellent! Perhaps follow with a discussion on the many different interpretations of these great epics. (eg. Mani Ratnam’s Raavan)