“It’s a great end to a sad story.” http://ourworld.unu.edu/en/galapagos-giant-tortoise-saved-from-extinction/
@wateva @rashmiswamy @adipedia @oddysee Thanks folks! Didn’t end on a high note, but I’m glad it’s over and done with.
Headed into what’s hopefully the last exam I have to write in a long long time. Butterflies in my stomach.
@souvikdg That site’s been up for close to an year now, so I don’t remember for sure. Doubt it was any one specific incident though.
@shikkha http://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ if you have a photo/screenshot.
@souvikdg Let’s see, one exam Monday afternoon, one exam Tuesday morning. Yup, I’ve got time. :-)
@rungtaakki Flattered. :)
@rakeshrach Hahaha!
@rakeshrach What a cracker. Watched the last scene again. Never gets old, that one.
@ytvinay That’s my break to return to the physical world. Take a walk, drink some water, look outside your window, then resume. ;-)
Because everyone needs reminding.
@sumitsharan Holy… is that the longest match ever played!?
That’s twice today I’ve read “Detailed, insightful” as delightful.
If you managed to miss this just as I did, JavaScript 1.6 (all except IE, surprise!) now has native map, reduce, filter etc. Array methods.
@sumitsharan Haha! It certainly seems to be your WTF day.
Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button, Formula 1, McLaren Technology Centre, Vodafone, Ad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zf40OzfwOo
The great @toor_sunny “I was thinking of getting sick…”
@sumitsharan They speak too soon, expect every movie to be the very best. We see this often with Apple announcements. That or it’s personal.
Be it the background score, the visuals, the reimagination, its retelling, or the final scene, Raavan is every bit as enjoyable, twice over.
Andy Murray, Tennis, London, Head, Ad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYjFoCIfyAU
@souvikdg @nisheeth What a match! Awesome conclusion. This is how the great truths of life unravel themselves. ;-)
McSweeny’s S.I.M. (Short Imagined Monolgoues) presents, “I’m Comic Sans, Asshole.” http://mcsweeneys.net/links/monologues/15comicsans.html
Can you believe we didn’t have a race in Canada last year?! Does Bernie Ecclestone have any love left for actual racing?
@rungtaakki @rashmiswamy I’ve been quite satisfied with a Logitech mouse.
@rashmiswamy Q2 was quite eventful too. Both Force India’s getting in, Williams doing better and Schumacher missing the cut.
Woah, awesome qualifying session! Best of the season so far?
“Police say they hope the experience has knocked some sense into the burglar.” http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/asia_pacific/10300151.stm
Cross-fading, auto-transitioning, on-by-default home page slideshows are the new
@beep The new line is “This site worst viewed in Internet Explorer.”
Autumn. Makes for a great iPhone wallpaper. Honest. http://flic.kr/p/87LSfc[+]
@adipedia Thanks! It’s in no state to be open sourced, but I might make it an open service if I find the time and motivation.
@adipedia It appears there are other standards loving apple geeks named Prateek Rungta. I gotta be extra quick reserving web handles now!
Two questions into my exam, all I wanted to do was tweet, “This is boring as hell!” Felt like a high school rote learning test. Pathetic.
@rashmiswamy @rungtaakki Ah, the good old days. My minions have come a long way since. :P
@anildavid @souvikdg Thanks! Hope I manage to secure a pass mark in tomorrow’s security exam.
@arihantbaid Go with ‘Mac OS Extended (Jorunaled)’. Should warn you though that Windows does not support these HFS+ filesystems.
Exam tomorrow. Fuckeity fuck fuck.
@sumitsharan Haha. Thankfully, I still haven’t booked my tickets so my plans can be rejigged to prevent bad news. :)
@rakeshrach Interesting! Makes sense too.
@rakeshrach Also starting with ‘स’: Sur, Sangeet and Sa re ga…
@sumitsharan Lucky you. Any chance it might go on till August?
Awesome design intern advert: http://designintellection.com/intern/
@shikkha You might like this: http://adcontrarian.blogspot.com/2010/05/why-creatives-are-always-confused.html
@yammo323 Thanks Tony! Still have the exams to get through, then heading back to India for good.
@thesilentenigma Thanks for saving me those bucks and some marks!
@Shrihari August. Have you started already?
@ytvinay Thanks! Looking forward to it loads.
Lorne, Erskine falls, Sheoak falls, Swallow cave. All good!
@wateva Shabaash bete!