@rungtaakki Feb 2008 to April 2010 and counting…
@rakeshrach People often forget that quick and responsible government action can go a long way in preventing violence. Live example here.
@toor_sunny ManoRanjanKaBaap!
Smart decision to stop matters getting out of hand and prevent full-scale riots.
Tonight’s (achieved) target: Reduce agony of visiting http://HindustanTimes.com[+] by creating a script to archive editorials in plain text.
Creating a UTF-8 encoded file from Python that is rightly detected by other apps is not at all obvious.
Stole nearly 40 mins of my time!
What an amazing action packed race this Australian Grand Prix is turning out to be!
Everyone except Bernie Ecclestone and maybe Felipe Massa hates the Bahrain circuit. Great tracks always produce great races.
@sumitsharan you missed the link! http://filmyclassical.tumblr.com
@purelynarcotic you might wanna check out http://muxtape.com
@rungtaakki Wow, you’ve outdone yourself this time! Respect.
@_karan it’s pathetic really. I’d use the (much faster) spotlight if only the interface wasn’t as horrible.
It’s 2010 and Safari still hangs up every time I search my bookmarks and/or history.
@sumitsharan woah! How the hell did you manage that?
It’s OK not to preach.
@ShashiTharoor Cricket, anywhere in India, and neglected? Doesn’t sound right.
@rashmiswamy Nice work to you too!
@sumitsharan I also like ‘Keh Leh Dil Se’ from the same album and by the same musician+singer.
@rungtaakki HaHaHaHa x10
@_karan to make the process of screen scraping internet movie overlords a little less painful. :)
@salvn Mostly just web scraping to collect data. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_scraping
Any volunteers interested in doing some dev work for/with me?
I promise I’ll tell everyone what a great guy/gal you are. :)
Hey @DibakarBanerjee, will @lsdthemovie get a release down here in Australia?
@DibakarBanerjee is King! Had forgotten how awesome “Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!” was since misplacing my DVD an year ago.
And the slacking resumes.
Surprised at the lack of a menu item to select the ‘Instant Alpha’ tool in Preview.
number of grids = (page width + gutter) / (grid width + gutter)
Martin Brundle: “I don’t think Alonso cares who’s in the other Ferrari - he’s not looking for a new best friend.”
Talking to a friend who got her results 3 days back: “So, you’re an MBA now.”
MBA: “Oh yaa! Shit, I completely forgot about that!”
My MacBook Pro turned 3 yesterday!
@rungtaakki Sweet!
@rungtaakki Did you get a new hard disk?
Loving the Melbourne hail. Hope it doesn’t lead to a city-wide fail though.
@benegal What about Australia? When does ‘Road, Movie’ release down under?
@sumitsharan http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/commit-watchers-whatwg.org/2009/002615.html Hey, details matter!
Guess the all important personality that http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-html5-20100304/acknowledgements.html acknowledges. #lameclaimtofame
@rungtaakki Yup, was going to go - twice, plans got changed - twice!
@rungtaakki Haven’t seen it yet.
Completed the most interesting ignored history lesson: India After Gandhi.
@sourima7 It was all in the jadoo of the lecturer and not lack of sleep.
I’d forgotten just how deeply one can go to sleep in a lecture theatre. What a joy to experience that once again.
Movies, movies, movies.
“Darth just happens to be the baddie here. All the books use Darth as the bad guy. I don’t know why.”
Really? Heard of Lord-fucking-Vader?