Thus twat tweeted @rashmiswamy.

From the month of August, 2012.

@purisubzi Hey, there’s this lady called Namrata Jain behind (close by) Chalukya hotel. They do letterpress printing. Shall DM the no.

10:36 AM Aug 30th 2012 in reply to purisubzi

32 jumps before Lightroom launches.
4 more days for the MacBook Pro.
Dying with impatience.

7:51 AM Aug 28th 2012

What kind of Banglorean am I if I don’t tweet about this lovely, gloomy, rainy weather we’re having right now. Sigh, must I work?

9:23 AM Aug 27th 2012

@Fine_Whining Take him to small empty club and make him sing. Better acoustics. It’s going to be a Perfect Darkness night for me now.

5:28 PM Aug 25th 2012 in reply to Fine_Whining

@Fine_Whining Ah checked email newsletter. Full shows in the USofA and Europe. None here. Tch.

5:04 PM Aug 25th 2012 in reply to Fine_Whining

@Fine_Whining Thought so, but it was worth the shot. Fine, suit yourself. Humph!

5:01 PM Aug 25th 2012 in reply to Fine_Whining

@Fine_Whining no way! Been listening to Fear is Like Fire all day. Heard?Going to go see them I hope.

4:59 PM Aug 25th 2012 in reply to Fine_Whining

@Fine_Whining A question you should ask yourself everyday till you’re here.

4:57 PM Aug 25th 2012 in reply to Fine_Whining

@souvikdg Noticed the same explosion at my end. Don’t know if i’m pleased with that.

6:39 AM Aug 24th 2012 in reply to souvikdg

When you’re born into a city, you can’t help but make it your own.

little Bangalore:…[+]

(via @gkjohn)

6:37 AM Aug 24th 2012

Dear @instagram, where is this popular page you speak of?

3:27 PM Aug 20th 2012

@xAbhishek @rakeshrach Ah yes. It’s been there a while and that work was done by the good folks of @miranj. Surprise surprise. :)

12:03 PM Aug 20th 2012 in reply to rakeshrach

F*ck You. Pay Me by Mike Monteiro. Clients, contracts, legal stuff:[+]

2:22 PM Aug 12th 2012

@lokallobaat Happy belated birthday! 25 isn’t too bad. You’re bound to forget how much you’ve aged after this anyway.

8:37 PM Aug 10th 2012 in reply to lokallobaat

OH: “Following everything from “Europe on a shoe string”. Never thought shoe strings are this freaking expensive!”

5:27 PM Aug 9th 2012

@gonsalves_r I’m sure it would help web designers for mockups and such. Esp those who use Ps must have never tried ID. ID just makes sense.

12:34 PM Aug 1st 2012 in reply to gonsalves_r

@gonsalves_r Yes, for page layout. I need it to design albums for print. This wins hands down indeed. Very easy to learn and use.

12:34 PM Aug 1st 2012 in reply to gonsalves_r

InDesign, you’re going to be my new best friend.

11:30 AM Aug 1st 2012