At work, neighbouring researchers tomato seeds disappeared overnight.
How you ask? ‘Cause thats when the lab rats get to work.
“No Culture Can Live if it Attempts to be Exclusive” randomspecif…the-new-year[+]
@rungtaakki The geo tagging seems to think you’re in Dubai.
@rungta Nice work! Very quick and smooth.
@rungta If only that was the lone exception that was inexcusable. Sigh.
@rungta You can say that again. You’d think universities with research labs would. Apparently not.
What I increasingly seem to want: An app on the Mac that acts like a Bulletin Board, to pin up screenshots and post-it notes.
So I’ve moved from plants to fruit flies, down to yeast and bacteria and now it time to study mangoes and pomegranates. #guessmyoccupation
The learning curve is an uphill slope.
So yeah, went karting in the middle of the night by the airport. Three recovered spins and no hits to the tire walls. Yay! #Hyderabad
Very impressed with Hyderabad’s expressway to the airport. #nightdrive
View of the day.
Let the walk begin.
@Fine_Whining That’s cause this is basically a free holiday. You want to fund my tickets to Mumbai in December?
@rakeshrach Am sure. Weather is currently exceptional due to a post-depression in the Bay of Bengal. So far loving my (first) visit here.
Hyderabad traffic, not so much different from Bangalore’s.
Weather, pleasant too.
@rungta True that.
Secunderabad bound.
IF Amit Trivedi’s ‘No One Killed Jessica’ is an instant fav, THEN the loop doesn’t end.
Watched the late Irvin Kershner’s 1977 Raid on Entebbe. The old soul in me appreciated it all- the story re-told, the acting, the history.
@pricelessjunk You should be able to find something tasteful from the @ohnoir twitter stream.
If this is the interface of Reeder for Mac, I’ll have it thanks.
Making a weakness worthwhile is strength.
@Fine_Whining Oh mother is also not there. Ask your dad to get it for you.
@Fine_Whining Right!?
I not only want to favourite every picture in this set, I want to live it, someday:…/5214456135/[+]
Bangalore peeps: Anyone know of a good place for VHS to digital media conversion?
@sheriesm Crack open the egg twittle one. :)