Gov.UK Design Principles:[+]
Transitional Interfaces:…926eb80d64e3[+]
And from @threepointone:…n-and-profit[+]
“Element queries” would indeed go a long way towards improving modularity in CSS: @ianstormtaylor: ianstormtayl…-are-a-hack/[+]
Small details, big difference. Microcopy: wellwrittenw…/46413192003[+]
Markup and Markdown: blog.editori…kdown-matter[+]
Tim Berners-Lee’s Principles of Design:…nciples.html[+]
The @GetEditorially team share their experience on drafting a human readable legal document (their Terms of Service): blog.editori…s-of-service[+]
@_achalv You should read our post about the state of user auth paradigms if you find this interesting.…ng-user-auth[+]
@rashmiswamy Thanks Rashmi, and Happy B’day to you too!
Ever the experimenter with simpler user auth, @marcoarment has gone with a password-less login for The Magazine:[+]
@rakeshrach Shot in the afternoon sun, between 3 to 6pm using a Canon EOS 550D (on a tripod). We thoroughly enjoyed putting this together.
@rakeshrach Thanks Rakesh!
@_karan Yes, the talk videos should be available online sometime after the event.
We’re going to be speaking at @metarefresh in about 10 days. Here’s a sneak peek:…2013-preview[+]
A good reminder that every image should have alt
text, and many of those alt
values should be empty: alistapart.c…/on-alt-text[+]
@3_Sided_Coin Yes! Some more perspectives:
On ignorance:…976807440384[+]…123094171648[+]
On time: contentsmaga…-timeframes/[+]
On labelling buttons:[+] /by @cameronmoll
@jackerhack Interesting. How does the texture differ for greens and reds/browns?
The Indian vegetarian / non-vegetarian mark is a good example of being meaningless to colourblind people. Ask @jackerhack, he knows.
Important yet often overlooked, colour blindness has severe impacts on usability.
@hellogeri shows what we can do:…cessibility/[+]