More on the change from
Old, detailed look at
This removal of
Winding up ‘early’ today.
Happy Diwali folks!
“What do you love about the web?”
Sharing. Community. Passion.[+]
@gonsalves_r Thanks, but we really can’t brush aside your contribution to either of the two. Or even PPT Salon’s, for that matter. :)
For more on information architecture for mobile experiences, here’s an extract from @lukew’s latest book: alistapart.c…zing-mobile/[+]
@mighty_boosher Thanks Ankit. That Droidcon artwork by PPT Salon is hard to not like. :)
@s0h4m Thanks Soham.
Graceful acceptance of drawbacks, in spite of an interface that leads the pack.
We salute @Cleartrip’s humility.
@rasagy Mr. Irish has the history…-html5-shiv/[+] @divya
The शिवलिंग from @rasagy’s sketch notes has got to be one of the finest Indian contributions to the HTML5 scene.…27930121190/[+]
@aralalobo @akshaydashrath Thanks folks! Glad you like it. @jackerhack
@rakeshrach Thanks Rakesh!
@rasagy Artwork directed by @gonsalves_r and created by the fine folks at PPT Salon.[+] @droidconIN
Oh and it’ll response your socks off! Big thanks to @hasgeek & @gonsalves_r for the opportunity & PPT Salon for the art.
What do you think?
Attn. Android geeks, your premier dev conf is coming home. Say hello to Droidcon India:[+]
We helped build the site. Yay!
RIP Google Labs (and more). googleblog.b…l-sweep.html[+]
An accessibility review of ~1500 Indian Govt. sites finds them severely lacking. Surprise surprise! cis-india.or…all-citizens[+] /by @VasuTweets
Creative Mornings Chicago with Jason Fried[+]
Thanks Steve.[+] is HTTP 410 Gone!
Long live[+]
Also, Love Your Scrollbar
/by @coda_za
Tuesday humour, courtesy @danrubin[+]
Pricing decisions are hard. While time & material is preferred, @souvikdg says fixed price ain’t undoable. His slides — speakerdeck….-fixed-price[+]