In which we play with easter eggs and 3D transforms, and steal from Mac OS X.
@droidconIN 2012 Teaser:[+]
@gonsalves_r @3_Sided_Coin Heh. We usually reserve that path for browser compatibility, but yes sometimes CSS just steals the show.
The New Design Guidelines: thenewdesign…[+]
@rakeshrach That’s what we defer to when we have to use Git.
@rakeshrach On a mercurial server running on one of our subdomains, behind HTTPS/SSH auth. We’d be on GitHub in a heartbeat if it was HgHub.
Type, pan, scrub, jump; the Greta Sans type specimen site by @thijs is a lot of fun![+] (via @iA)
Plain English. wellwrittenw…43650/efront[+]