How would modernist design values apply in a culturally complex country like India?…=p41FZX0MOtk[+]
Our free book on Graphic Design for Non-Profit Organizations: rationalecre…om/archives/[+]
Good design stands by itself, without explanations or apologies. It represents the fulfilment of a successful process in all its beauty.
If by simplifying you’ve lost clarity, you haven’t simplified.
On the role of designers in our society: designingchi…s-in-society[+]
(Thanks to @greatergood_)
Activating the Vignelli Archive: activatingth…[+]
Learn about its development: industrialde…lli-archive/[+]
Our update to the 1985 chart on trends and movements, bringing it into the digital era: vignellidesi…/23264791560[+]
Books that have a particularly important place in my memory: designersand…imo-vignelli[+] @designersbooks
As a designer, your life is spent looking at things made by others, and how you can improve it. It becomes your nature; it becomes you.
@peterhry Correct. To be clear, ‘macro’ meant entire cities and ‘micro’ meant things like spoons and cutlery.
Architects care for the macro while designers take care of the micro. Both affect our lives and both require the same discipline.
The correct shape is the shape of the object’s meaning. Everything has its own order.
The design of Saint Peter’s Church: saintpeters….elli-design/[+]
Stackability is not accidental: vignellidesi…02/stackable[+]
The paper and I will go away, but a good idea will last forever.
To me, design is a mission to prevent bad design from taking place. Better design for a better world.